Monday, December 27, 2010
Adios 2010!
From going through Yr 1 Sem 2 to the 4-month-long holiday, to going through yet another semester...
It's amazing how all of us manage to pull through.
2010. For me, it was a year of ups and downs. But the downs were really, really the all-time lows. Still, I managed to embrace them, overcome them (I hope) and I actually look forward to a better year. I just have this upbeat, optimistic feeling about 2011. Something tells me there're lots of goodies in store for me.
So as we say goodbye to the past decade and welcome the start of a new one, let us reflect meaningfully and be grateful for everything, good or bad, that has happened to us. They all happen for a reason, one way or another.
And here's something for you guys that I baked as a gift for the new year:
Ok I'm kidding. These aren't baked by me. Why would I bake Hello Kitty pizzas anyway??
Alright y'all. Time to sign off. Till next year dudes and dudettes!
P.S.: I think the best thing that's coming in 2011 will be Britney's new album. Honestly.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I Ain't Thru
Halfway through the horrible exams right now... 3 down, 2 to go. Haven't been really happy with any of them thus far. Just hope that I can get all the grades I desire.
Anyway, I'm getting an iPhone! :D Kinda surprised at how quick I decided to get it. Sort of a Christmas present to myself haha. And it arrives on X'Mas Eve. How apt!
Imp wants me to use Twitter. But it's kinda pointless because how many friends of mine are actually active Twitterers? I can count just with the fingers on one hand.
Getting hooked on Bruno Mars again. Trying to perfect my playing of "Just The Way You Are" on keyboard. Woot.
5 more days to the end of exams!
Can't wait to watch all the movies I haven't watched for the past 4 months and counting.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Creepy. Gothic. Inspirational

You can bet your ass Edgar Friendly would have loved these too and yes, you will see a few of them crop up in the third installment of The Insanity series.
Guess What?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The best thing is, it doesn't matter if you can sing well or not, as long as you put in your best effort, you still get your grade! :D
I like to sing. I don't think anyone knows about this though. I can play a keyboard or strum a bit of guitar, but if I'm given a choice between playing a musical instrument or sing, I'll choose to sing. Surprise, surprise.
What's the joy of music if you don't sing along right?
I don't have an awesome singing voice and I can't hit high notes and stuff like that, but I really enjoy letting out whatever's pent-up in me through song.
You know, I have a secret dream. Well it's not gonna be a secret anymore after I click on "Publish Post", but I dream of singing on a stage to an audience. Laugh if you want, but if I actually have the opportunity to do so, I will. The one obstacle is I'm too shy. And I don't wanna butcher any song. Haha.
Anyway, I may choose to take up this elective next semester, but whether I get it or not is another thing.
P.S. If you want to sound better when you sing, do it in the bathroom, it has one of the best acoustics around the house. I'm serious.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Feel Good Time
Song Title: "Raise Your Glass"
Artist: P!nk
Album: Greatest Hits... So Far!!!
As P!nk herself described the song, "This one's for the underdogs".
Song Title: "Firework"
Artist: Katy Perry
Album: Teenage Dream
Such an inspirational song! The most, as far as Katy's hit catalogue goes.
Song Title: "We R Who We R"
Artist: Ke$ha
Album: Cannibal
Who knew that empowering songs can be fit for a club as well? It's already a Billboard #1 hit, for your information.
Song Title: "Strip Me"
Artist: Natasha Bedingfield
Album: Strip Me
Natasha never fails to come up with uplifting anthems.
Song Title: "Who You Are"
Artist: Jessie J
Album: Who You Are
Look out for this amazing, talented up-and-coming singer/songwriter from the UK!!! Debut album out next year. This ballad is a favourite of mine. So heartfelt! And in case you're not aware, it was featured in the dance flick, "Step Up 3D".
Song Title: "Pretty Girl Rock"
Artist: Keri Hilson
Album: No Boys Allowed
This catchy one's for the ladies!! Plus the video was fantastic. Miss Keri paid homage to some of the awesome female artists from the past!
Song Title: "Headphones"
Artist: Britt Nicole
Album: The Lost Get Found
Britt's more known in the Christian music genre I guess, but she makes awesome music everyone can enjoy. This song will definitely lift your mood! :D
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I Am Not Advertising Myself
Anyway, was just wondering about the topic of relationships. As in BGR. A sensitive and open topic I must say... But I guess there aren't really many people who read my blog so it's ok.
Well, I've never been in one, so... I don't really know how it feels like. I'm not gonna rush into one just to try it out, because I think it's stupid to do so, and it's unfair to the other party. Plus I don't think I have a high chance to be able to have one.
I've had crushes before though. A couple. But I've never confessed once. One reason is because I'm uber shy. Another is that I always feel I'm not ready to enter a relationship. I have questions all the time, like, how am I gonna treat her? What should I do? Because I believe that guys should treat their girlfriends right.
I'm not the kinda guy that girls will be attracted to at first sight, because I don't give lasting impressions. I think I'm the type whom you've gotta hang out with and get to know me more, and just perhaps you'll grow to like me. About myself -- I don't watch soccer or play video/computer games so I'm pretty sure I won't neglect my girlfriend (if I have one) for those. And one thing I know, I'll only be happy if she's happy. I won't mind going down just to see the other party going up. This is also how I treat my closest friends too.
About my ideal girl... A few people are actually curious about what kind of girl I'd go for. I think I'm more into personality and character (not that I'm trying to be politically correct), but as long as she looks ok I'm ok (I know I'm not that attractive myself either). Well, I would like her to be bubbly and cheerful, someone whom I can talk continuously with. I hate awkward silences/pauses. I love music, so preferably she loves it too! Not those classical kind but you know, sing along with me, groove with me when a nice song is on air, and of course, Glee. Oh and I hope she doesn't club. I'm kinda anti-clubbing after my 'incident' (which only a few people know about, thankfully). I don't need to meet her so frequently because I know both of us have to have our own space and social circle too (I don't like possessive boyfriends so I'm never gonna be one).
As I have mentioned before in my blog, I value TRUST and HONESTY.
So there you have it. I'm not advertising myself nor am I posting an ad to search for a girlfriend. In case you're thinking about that now. I just wanna pour this out because all this stuff has been sitting in my mind for quite a while now. Collecting dust even.
On a side note, I really really really wanna catch the Rocky Horror Show next January @ Esplanade. Well mostly due to the Glee tribute episode, I'm now interested in it. But I highly doubt that there'll be anyone to go with me. I'm looking for company! Preferably people who are into plays and musicals! Because I don't want anybody to doze off halfway. Now THIS is an advertisement.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Before You Say "FML", Think About It
If you are unaware of what FML stands for, google it.
The "FML" comment, in my opinion, is overused, super inappropriate and I think it contains utmost disrespect. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, but I just can't stand it. Even if people are using it to pass off as a casual remark.
First, if you hate your life so much, then DON'T live it. There are so many more unfortunate others who would die to live yours. No matter how much you think you're suffering.
"FML" just because you have an assignment to complete??! For goodness sake.
Maybe these people don't really understand how 'heavy' the acronym "FML" means. Life is meant to be appreciated. Embraced. Sure, life is full of imperfections, but that's the way life is. It is meant to be imperfect. And it's only through these imperfections that we discover our own strengths within, create ourselves, bringing out our full potential. Imagine life that is just so...perfect. Maybe the sound of it is tempting, but if everyone's lives are so perfect, life itself will not have any meaning to it. It's boring. To a certain extent.
It's not as if you can't overcome the struggles in your life. Perhaps you can't for some, but you have a choice whether you wanna embrace it, or not.
Sometimes when I see people saying "FML", I thought to myself, "I bet my life is twice as hard as yours, and I don't even use that acronym."
Please. Think. There's absolutely NO REASON to f*** your life. Honestly.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
ROIDZ continuation...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We R Who We R
And just to mention, the title of each post may or may not be of concern to the post's content. In case you're wondering sometimes if they actually do link.
Haha. Need to get that out.
Even though recess week means that there's gonna be a tsunami of mid-terms approaching, I'm still happy to have a break. And a kit-kat. Ok I'm lame. Whatever.
Ploughing through that HP802 assignment at the same time. Trying to complete a section per day. At this rate, I will hopefully finish it by......tomorrow?? I think that'll be a miracle because I'm currently slacking right now. And I do spend A LOT of time on a section. Each section takes about 400 words and I will take like up to 5 hours to perfect it. And that includes doing research for it, planning how to convey my ideas, and most importantly fit everything in about 400 words. 3 sections done, 2 left. And I haven't started yet.
Sigh. Recess week also means that the super dreaded exams are coming. Worried for all my modules.
Ok I guess I have to get back to my assignment now. If I'm ever gonna want it finished.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Orbitals = Skittles
The 212 lectures seemed to be like stoning sessions for me. I couldn't comprehend what the lecturer is talking about. All I see are orbitals, orbitals and more orbitals (Sorry if you don't know what orbitals are, but you can just google it). And I sorta visualised them as Skittles instead. You know Skittles? Those coloured round sweets in a colourful pack? Come to think of it, I haven't eaten them for eons.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Blow Sh*t Up
//Accurate pixel detection turned off (bounding box same as hitTestObject)if (PixelPerfectCollisionDetection.isColliding(ob,characterArray[i], this,false)){//If ship has a weak point check for it firstif(characterArray[i].box){//Accurate pixel detection turned onif(PixelPerfectCollisionDetection.isColliding(ob,characterArray[i].box,this,true,20)){Tint(characterArray[i], 0xFF0000,1);characterArray[i].oldX=x;characterArray[i].oldY=y;characterArray[i].alive=false;removeMovie(ob);return;}}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hole In My Head
It was so simple. So doable. Could have scored full marks for it. But I just couldn't do it.
Such a shame. I was so confident and feeling good about the impending test, only to come out of the lecture theatre CRUSHED.
It hurts when you wasted an opportunity to score for something.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Despite 2 impending tests, I still feel pretty alright and not as stressed up as I thought I would be. That's quite a feat, according to my standards. I guess I now know how to slow things down a little and prevent those pesky burnouts.
Anyway, I'm a self-proclaimed Glee fanatic and of course have already watched the first episode of Season 2 which started just last week. I really dig the songs the cast covered.
Usual life scoop aside, I actually wanted to blog about liars. People who tell lies, make empty promises, fabricate stuff and so on. There's just this particular person whom I've known for about 3 years now that's getting from bad to worse. I won't name names because I don't really wanna sound like I'm bitching about somebody (Even then, do I sound like I'm doing so? Ok, whatever).
Well, I have lotsa examples to back up my claim but I'm not writing everything down here. Basically, whatever this person says from now, I will not believe it. One ear in, the other ear out. I've been played out too much already. Turning immune even.
Trust. Honesty. These 2 words which I value so much do not exist in this person.
Just get out of my life already. You don't deserve my friendship. And others' too.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bit of NG drama
The game got me thinking that maybe he is actually the twin brother of Edgar Friendly and that Edgar Friendly actually died in the car accident instead of his brother...Maybe I think that because when he went back to be a surgeon he could not do his job...
That his head injury made him believe he was Edgar Friendly, that the incident and the loss of his brother made him insane.
Great game what is next a game when he started doing his experiments for the first time?
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This game was as beautiful as the first one, I love every bit of it. But my favorite subject of the game would have to be the designs of all characters and creatures. One thing I have noticed is Edgar Friendly's hair is similar to a lion's mane, the king of the jungle, ironic since in a since that is what he is trying to become lol. the creatures as well are amazing in their design and even how to "handle" them was amazing. I do hope you make part 3 soon in the future for even though there is only 2 parts, I am a deep fan of the series. At least I hope it becomes a series....
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Good graphics for the atmospher it brings....entertaining for a while..or how ever long it takes someone to beat it..but yea it could have been more difficult
good game though
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I like your game, particularly the cinematic atmosphere you've created. I'd bet you're a fan of gore porn.
Seriously liked it though. Especially the [I assume to be] seamless blending of photos, drawings, and perhaps a bit of CG rendering in your stills. It tickles my pinial gland. Keep up the good work.
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